Welcome to nbu
Ningbo University is a dynamic, young andcomprehensive university with a wide range of disciplines: economics, law,education, liberal arts, history, science, engineering, agronomy, medicine andmanagement. It is one of the key institutions of higher learning of ZhejiangProvince. Deng Xiaoping autographed the name of Ningbo University. Throughoutits establishment and development, the University has been upheld byconsiderable donations and generous support from patriotic overseas Chinesesuch as Sir Yue-kong Pao, Sir Run-run Shaw, Sir Chao An Chung, Sir Hans Tang,Sir Yue-shu Pao, Sir Cao Guangbiao, Sir Li Dashan, Sir Zhu Xiushan, as well asfrom personages of various circles in the country. Mr. Cheng Gang, a standingmember of Ningbo Municipal Committee of CPC, is concurrently Secretary of theNingbo University Committee of CPC. Professor Nie Qiuhua holds the presidencyof the university.